Saint Paul Caves

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Rumsfeld Called Out On Lies About WMD

This is the video of Donald Rumsfeld getting OWNED by a CIA guy at a speech. I can't wait to see him answering questions before a hostile congress.

Monday, November 13, 2006

America, F*** Yeah!!!

YouTube Fuck Yea!

Paul R Nelson for Congress, Terror commercial

Okay well this one starts out a bit slow, but by the end you will agree that Paul R Nelson is a special kind politician.

more Wrong Kind...

there will be more...

Best Ad of 2006

Paul R Nelson. Remember that name. He is the man responsible for the most outrageous ad of a outrageous year. Please let me know if you have seen other good ones.

Republicans Lie in Maryland Too

In case you missed the election day story about the Maryland Republican Party hiring homeless people from Philadelphia to hand out decietful sample ballots claiming the top Republicans were actually Democrats in heavily democratic precincts. Here is the WaPo follow-up that says the the candidates themselves knew about the dirty trick campaign. It was such a vital part of the plan that they sent Governor Ehrlich's wife to give a welcome address to the unsuspecting crew.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Rumsfeld resigns. Who would have thought that Donald Rumsfeld would not want to testify in front of a Democratic Congress? And who is surprised that Karl Rove leads the public information campaign off with misinformation. Last week George W Bush Said that he wanted Rumsfeld to stay to the end of his term. Now that we are talking about handing over the Capitol Keys to the Democrats Rummy is out and we are talking about how a "Gates defense Department" will change course in Iraq.

Wait a minute! I still want to hear some answers from Donald Rumsfeld... And Dick Cheney for that matter.

I am all for moving ahead and finding answers that work, but let's find out the truth before we allow a pass on the actions of men like Donald Rumsfeld. Democrats were elected to make government work for the people again. Let's move ahead on real health care reform and raising the minimum wage. But please, not at the expense of justice.

Please ask questions about the National intelligence estimate that led to the Iraq War.

History is watching... too dramatic? yea, I'll stick with ITMFA.