Saint Paul Caves

Friday, June 09, 2006

One down, one to go

Amy Klobuchar recieved the DFL enorsement today here in Rochester. She is a great candidate and will be a great Senator.

Now we need to work hard to finish off the top of a great ticket by endorsing Mike Hatch for Governor. With a top of the ticket like that the DFL will be doing it's part to win the nation back from the Republicans.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Let's here it for ...CATO?

That's right. I am in agreement with the Cato Institute. First I read in the Atlantic Monthly (which requires a membership or I would hook you up with the link), that the minds at Cato are speaking against unwise tax cuts. Then I stumble onto a report authored by the Univesity of Minnesota's own Dale Carpenter against the Federal Marriage Amendment. But anyone with a brain can see that this is a political game for the congressional elections. So 'nuff said about that.

Read my earlier post in the strib!

Friday, June 02, 2006

Who's Your Daddy?

Senator Coleman’s Counterpoint in Friday's Star Tibune explains why he did not investigate corruption on the Australian Wheat Board. But I really don't care. What I want to know is why does he refuse to investigate corruption in Washington DC. His committee is the perfect venue to look into the congressional scandals and abuses of executive power going on today, yet he uses all his power to redirect the focus away from real issues that threaten our democracy. It is clear to me that he is working for Karl Rove and not the people of Minnesota.